The School’s culture and communication systems ensure that staff share information about pupils, to ensure a personal approach. Pastoral management staff – including the Deputy Head Pastoral and Deputy Head Safeguarding – meet on a weekly basis with Housemasters, Housemistresses and members of the Pastoral Support Team (including the School Chaplain and school counselling team) to ensure that pupils remain firmly at the centre of our pastoral work. All staff are connected through iSAMS and the use of the Wellbeing Manager module has helped to further enhance our support of pupils and their wellbeing.
Repton’s proactive and predictive system to protect wellbeing is called WellWorks. This includes:
- Attentive pastoral monitoring and support
- An ‘all-eyes-on’ web-based concern reporting system, Wellbeing Manager (iSAMS)
- A pupil-voice led, survey-driven wellbeing monitor including the use of STEER Tracking
- Individualised pastoral plans managed by resident Houseparents, Matrons and Tutors
- Onsite counselling and healthcare via the Health and Wellbeing Centre and our trained counsellors
- A very well developed, carefully planned PSHE programme for all year groups
“Our son has truly grown up and thrived there, and both values and uses the pastoral care. It is part and parcel of how life works at Repton and I am very impressed”
- Repton Parent
Repton has engendered a culture where peer-support is a significant additional source of support. The School Prefects receive induction and ongoing training – including a one-day mental health first aid course – that encourages a careful, supportive and watchful eye about the School. We conduct pupil surveys to better understand our pupils’ experiences, whilst also consulting Prefects and employing student forums to ensure that Pupil Voice helps to shape our pastoral provision and decision making. Moreover, as an accredited STEER Tracking school we are using this proactive adolescent mental health tracking tool to help us identify pupils' hidden risks at an early stage.
Two significant pupil-led pastoral initiatives that have had a positive impact on our community have been the introduction of a therapy dog into School and the introduction of dedicated Wellbeing areas – a room where pupils can be on their own or with their friends containing advice booklets, board games and other resources to support good mental health. The pupils own this space, so can decorate it and furnish it as they wish.